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Gloom and Doomers: Those that preach success based on hard assets => has lead to: reserve currency turmoil (USD, ???), land grabs (Russia, ISIS), gold hoarding (USA, Germany), ghost cities (China, Spain)

 > Future success portfolio will be a  balanced and diversified mix of hard and soft assets.


Naysayers -- that put down Great Ideas: Edison invented Direct Current (DC), and put down Tesla's Alternating Current (AC). AC prevailed -- with lower costs to transmit electric power over long distances.

 > Auto, airplane, computer, telephone, radio had similar naysayers.

Leaders and Laws gone Astray: Madoff was trusted leader, but NASDAQ and SEC did not protect investors from his $60+ billion ponsi scheme. Early traffic laws protected cattle and not people -- at intersection with crossing cattle, driver must "disassemble vehicle" and "hide parts in bushes". Funny today but serious then.

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